Sunday, November 17, 2013

Post #16a: Script for project 3

------ storyboard page 1

Technology is a wonderful thing.
It makes life easier.

Everyday things such as communication.

Yet innocents looking things can hide malicious intents.

------ storyboard page 2

Identity can be falsified.

Deceitful espionage are no longer a national scale super weapon.

Everything and anything digital can be manipulated.

------ storyboard page 3

As convenient anyone in the world can be connected together, it is just as easy to imprison anyone into solitude.

When everything is relying on digital...

... then nothing is reliable.

------ storyboard page 4

Anything stored digitally...

… can be easily found.

Anything can be falsified...

------ storyboard page 5

… yet anything falsified can be detected.

Anything can be shared with the world.

Once anything is out in the world, just like an idea, cannot be stopped.

------ storyboard page 6

Even if there are physical objects that are locked away...

…and the security system is digital...

…then security is only an illusion.

------ storyboard page 7

As long as the locks are digital...

…they can be picked from anywhere in the world.

With everything digital easily taken care of, one can simply walk in...

Post #15: Color Research for Project 3

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post #13A: Storyboard

One image is missing. There is supposed to have another image of the security guard frantically pressing an alarm but it wouldn't go off.