Sunday, November 17, 2013

Post #16a: Script for project 3

------ storyboard page 1

Technology is a wonderful thing.
It makes life easier.

Everyday things such as communication.

Yet innocents looking things can hide malicious intents.

------ storyboard page 2

Identity can be falsified.

Deceitful espionage are no longer a national scale super weapon.

Everything and anything digital can be manipulated.

------ storyboard page 3

As convenient anyone in the world can be connected together, it is just as easy to imprison anyone into solitude.

When everything is relying on digital...

... then nothing is reliable.

------ storyboard page 4

Anything stored digitally...

… can be easily found.

Anything can be falsified...

------ storyboard page 5

… yet anything falsified can be detected.

Anything can be shared with the world.

Once anything is out in the world, just like an idea, cannot be stopped.

------ storyboard page 6

Even if there are physical objects that are locked away...

…and the security system is digital...

…then security is only an illusion.

------ storyboard page 7

As long as the locks are digital...

…they can be picked from anywhere in the world.

With everything digital easily taken care of, one can simply walk in...

Post #15: Color Research for Project 3

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post #13A: Storyboard

One image is missing. There is supposed to have another image of the security guard frantically pressing an alarm but it wouldn't go off.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Post #10: Scratched Paint

A starship's AI is out for revenge on a pilot for scratching paint on his hull.

Main Characters:
Captain Zhang: Pilot of a smaller ship (Tomorrow Never Dies), it is a black triangular stealth ship. He is very talented and can fly in and out of many tight situation. He is easy going and can shrug a lot of troubles away. (Colors: black, dark blue, white)

March (the ship AI): AI of a command cruiser (Her Majesty's Righteous Sword), a large sword shaped ship. He displays himself as a hologram most of the time. He loves bunnies and loves tea. He controls every system on the ship. Yet, he can get childish and even lets his emotion affect systems on the ship, more so deliberate rather than subconsciously. (Colors: dark green, green, yellow, white)

General Hayley Carroll: She is a commander of an army. Young and ambitious but still a realist. She has a cold and powerful outward appearance but is very caring on the inside. Her hobby is chess and her army's emblem is of a chess piece, even the different battalions and squads are named after chess pieces. She has unusual white hair even though she isn't at the age of white hair. March calls her Master.(Colors: light green, light blue, white, silver)

A small ship (Tomorrow) with engine failure is rendezvousing with a larger ship (Majesty). Tomorrow managed to get into the hanger bay but not without scraping onto Majesty before getting in. Now the AI (March) is mad for the scratched paint on the hull. He messed with the ship's system to get back at the pilot of the small ship (Zhang). These situations includes: automatic doors closing too soon, gravity, life support, air locks, elevator, holographic projectors, medical bay's automatic defibrillator, communication system, cleaning, security, and repair robots. Zhang tried to call for help, but March just says all the systems are functioning normally. After a while he finally reached General Carroll's quarter. He is trying to convince her that March is trying to kill him. March cries and throw a tantrum. In the end, Carroll orders Zhang to wear a spacesuit and repaint the hull.



 Characters costumes:


Ship materials: